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2022 Nord Stream Bombings: Germany cited accountable

« The most consequential act of sabotage in modern times » as Mark Bowden in December 13, 2023 describes the September 2022 Nord stream pipelines bombings, which until date the world still waits for the culprit.


In a recent write-up in 2023, by freelance American journalist, Goerge Eliason, elaborated a summary of evidence pinpointing the UA German greens party responsible for the mystery.

Going down the memory lane to history, in September 2022, a series of underwater explosions destroyed three out of the four pipelines between Europe and Russia consequently leading to Europe switching to other energy suppliers following Russia Ukraine war.

The Nord stream 1(NS2) and Nord stream 2(NS2) with each consisting of two pipelines were built by Russia’s state.

According to Eliason, in 2020, Germany backed Ukraine to become a green energy hub for Europe.

In June 2021, foreign affairs minister of Germany, Annalena Baerbock and the German green party worked to stop the Nord stream certification. However, In the same year, Baerbock declared Nord stream a security threat for Germany in an interview with Fareed Zakaria an Indian-American journalist. When asked about the Nord stream She stated in quotes: “for me, we cannot finalize this project. The problem is that it’s only-there is already a pipeline underneath the Baltic sea. There is already the connection pipeline throughout my region where I live down to the Czech Republic. Both this pipelines contradicts our sanctions, so it cannot go in place.  »

Eliason further disclosed that   the German green party who lost by a wide margin coming third in the state elections in November, 2021 made  stopping Nord stream from going into production, adding that it was a national security priority they were willing to act unilaterally. In line with this, Annalena disclosed in an interview that the existence of the Nord stream pipelines were now an aggressive threat to Germany’s security.

During the US 2020 presidential elections, the green party however control foreign policy, environmental policy, the economy while their partners control the defense ministry.

It should be noted that in May 2021, US president Joe Biden, waived sanctions on Nord stream certification.

However, Eliason cited from September 20th to 29th Germany kick starting moving troops, ships and air force assets to Estonia   for Baltic tiger 2022. Looking at what was in stored, the navel special warfare development group (DEVGRU) retired chief, Chris Beck in an interview with Sean Ryan disclosed that the operation is outside the scope of navy seals or SBS diver’s specialty. He added that it perfectly describes the purpose of the particular Ukrainian diver training operation. An operation, which from the onset featured Ukrainian divers with little expertise under the sea.

In all these sorting for who to be blamed, Washington’s post on June 6th 2023, disclosed that  three months after the saboteurs bombed the Nord Stream natural gas pipeline, the Biden  administration learned from a close ally that the  Ukrainian military planned a covert attack on the undersea network, making use of a small team of divers who were answering to the commander in chief of the Ukrainian armed forces. Russia who faces the great loss still waits to see the one accountable.

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