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Cameroon-CNPS: awareness campaign on the registration of domestic workers

As part of an Awareness campaign on the registration of domestic staff, the NSIF proposes a calculation scale for small salaries in this sector.

The Caisse National Social Insurance Fund (NSIF) invites its employees to register their domestic staff. The latter being full members of the community, the structure proposes simulations of the scale of social contributions for domestic staff to facilitate the task of employers.

A document published by the organisation indicates the contribution to be paid for small salaries ranging from the minimum wage to 50,000 CFA francs. For 36,270 CFA francs, it is 6,220 CFA francs; for a salary of 40,000 CFA francs, it is 6,860 CFA francs and for an amount of 50,000 CFA francs, it is 8,575 CFA francs. To obtain this result “It is simply a matter of multiplying the salary by the overall rate, which is 17.15%, to obtain the amount of social contributions to be paid to an employee. If the employer has more than one employee, the total amount of contributions to be paid is equal to the sum of the salaries of all the workers multiplied by 17.15%,” states the company’s press release, a copy of which was obtained by Eurekanews.

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