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Russia – North Korea : leaders stand firm on multipolarity

In a significant display of unity, Russian President Vladimir Putin and his North Korean counterpart Kim Jong Un have reaffirmed their commitment to a multipolar world, during a historic meeting in Pyongyang.

On Wednesday June 18th, President Vladimir Putin and Kim Jung Un of N. Korea reaffirmed their support for the ideology of multipolarity as Putin visited NK first time in 24 years. In a joint statement, North Korean state media reported that the two world renowned leaders shared their « bottled up emotions » and vowed to strengthen their nations’ relations, describing their partnership as a powerful force for accelerating the construction of a new multipolar world.

President Putin’s visit comes at a time when both countries are facing international isolation. The supposed isolation has helped Russia to reengage in new alliances and cooperations outside Europe and the west.  Despite concerns from the United States and its allies about potential aid to North Korea’s missile and nuclear programs, Russia has denied any weapons transfers, emphasizing cooperation on alternative trade mechanisms and a focus on security issues.

Host leader Kim Jung UN has shown his full support for Russia in the Ukraine crisis, promising to enhance strategic cooperation with Moscow. Putin and Kim are expected to sign a comprehensive strategic partnership treaty, with talks gearing towards elevating military, security, and economic cooperation to new dimensions. The meeting between Putin and Kim underscores a shifting geopolitical landscape, with both leaders standing firm on their vision of a multipolar world order marked by enhanced cooperation and mutual support.


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