12 mars 2025, 2:28 pm

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Regional leaders of the East African Community and the Southern African Comunity have agreed to merge the Nairobi peace process and the African Union (AU) sanctioned Luanda Process in a bid to provide a coherent solution to the DR Congo conflict.The decision was arrived at on Saturday,February 08.

With the abundant natural resources and an economy that consists of trade, industry, agriculture, and human resources, the continent’s economic reality has been shaped by external forces leaving the countries in a state of dependency says Dr. Seife Tadesse,the Director of the Center for Governance, and Intra-Africa Trade Studies (CGIATS).

Recently, senoir economists across Africa are calling for a self-sustained economic guidelines and Stronger regional Cooperation to tackle the continents ongoing challenges.

Seife lamented on the lack of political commitment to establisg a unified African currency and central government as he urged for a push to attain a single currency and deeper economic integration to ensure greater bargaining power on the international scene.

According to a Senior Economist at COMESA,Thomas Bwire, each country must leverage its unique natural resources to develop tailored growth strategies.

He further stressed that African countries must learn from one another to develop their own paths to progress.

Professor Ferdinand Ahiakpor from Cape Coast University in Ghana as well highlighted that though there are drawbacks, African economies are showing resilience with positive signs of recovery.

He noted that African countries need to collaborate to strengthen the region as a whole while calling for collective actions through frameworks like AfCFTA.

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