21 février 2025, 3:14 pm

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After capturing Goma, M23 rebels advanced into Bukavu, a crucial city in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo, on Sunday, facing little resistance from government forces. The rapid takeover marks a significant escalation in the ongoing conflict, with Kinshasa accusing Rwanda of ignoring calls for a ceasefire and fueling instability in the region. As fears of a broader war grow, the international community is urging restraint to prevent further bloodshed.


Bukavu, a key city in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo, fell into the hands of M23 rebels on Sunday with little resistance from government forces, witnesses and rebel leaders confirmed. The capture marks a major setback for Kinshasa, as tensions with Rwanda continue to mount.

Rebel commander Bernard Byamungu told the media that M23 had been in control of the city since midday. The group has been advancing rapidly since capturing Goma in late January, with Bukavu as their next strategic target. The Congolese government acknowledged the rebels’ presence but stopped short of confirming the city’s full occupation, instead accusing Rwanda of direct involvement.

« Rwanda is stubbornly pursuing its plan to occupy, pillage, and commit serious human rights violations on our soil, » the Congolese government said in a statement. Kigali has repeatedly denied allegations from Congo, the UN, and Western powers that its troops are fighting alongside the Tutsi-led M23, instead claiming it is defending itself from Hutu militias aligned with the Congolese army.

The UK’s foreign ministry called the takeover a « serious escalation » that risks a broader regional war, warning of a devastating human cost. The conflict, rooted in long-standing ethnic and territorial disputes dating back to the 1994 Rwandan genocide, has seen renewed violence in recent months.

Despite fears of another deadly battle, Bukavu remained largely calm on Sunday. Residents reported seeing M23 fighters moving freely through the city’s central districts, with no major clashes or bloodshed like that seen during Goma’s capture, which left 3,000 dead. M23 spokesperson Willy Ngoma later posted a photo of rebel fighters posing in Independence Square, a symbolic marker of the city’s fall.

With peace efforts faltering and regional tensions rising, the situation remains highly volatile. It is worthy of note that the African Union summit failed to address the crisis in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

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