17 janvier 2025, 8:48 pm

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Cameroon is set to host the World Trade Organisation Ministerial Conference come 2026. This was revealved in a statement on Monday by the global trade watchdog.

In a statement from the World Trade Organisation on Monday December 16, the global trade watchdog revealved that Cameroon will host the Organisation’s 14th Ministerial Conference (MC14) slated for 2026.

The Ministerial Conference is the World Trade Organisation’s highest decision-making body, held every two years, bringing together trade ministers and senior officials from its 166 member countries.

Following the 10th conference in Nairobi Kenya’s capital in 2015, Cameroon will be the second African country to host the event .

Salomon Eheth, Cameroon’s envoy while speaking at the WTO meeting in Geneva said he hopes the strategic event slated for March 26-29 2026 would be an opportunity to show the World the potential of Cameroon and Africa for investment and sustainable development.

According to the chair of the General Council, ambassador Petter Olberg of Norway highlighted that the final structure and agenda of MC14 will be determined based on progress made in the coming year.

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