22 janvier 2025, 11:26 pm

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Education : How safe are schools in Cameroon today?

The recurrent teacher and student constrained relationship, is becoming a call for concern begging for urgent action to be taken by political, civil societies and parents.

According to the Oxford dictionary, school is define as an institution for educating children and before now, the said definition was very effective. It is rather unfortunate schools in most of our big cities have become unsafe grounds.

It is no longer news to see ugly images on the social media whereby, a student is engage in a fight with a teacher or talk less of fighting among themselves. Yes,that’s the Cameroon for us today.The question often raised when such happens is whether the said attitude of our youths today is copied from the social media or it is a replica of the kind of homes such youths come from or they are usually influenced by their peers.Well,it is complex where the accusing finger,should be pointed to.For of course, parents to most of the victims today had a clean record in their good old days,so they say.

However, Wednesday April 6 incident in Yaounde at the Yona school complex Nkolbisson district which saw the principal Michel Tientcheu stabbed 3 times in his office for confiscating the jersey of a form four student two days earlier, is just one of the many ugly incidents our schools have been witnessing lately.

Make no mistake, to think the government has been  watching such incident arms folded.Oh yes!efforts are made usually when such happens and very quickly, the measures disappear in the thin air thereby paving the way again for another eventuality. Many schools of thought,have questioned the role of discipline masters in our schools for not doing enough to defend their titles, others lament where possible the pride has gone to working as a secondary school teacher were you are adored by your students.Just where is that prestige to see your secondary teacher along the road and you gladly rushed to give them a warm embrace.Todays world has changed that narrative as both the teacher and student meet at night clubs,seat in bars and indulge in sexual relationship has become the other of the day.

Meanwhile, if such attitude which is slowly digging into our society is proven to be stubborn despite government efforts, then the time is now for law makers,civil society activists and parents to help stamp out the issue before the we lost it all.For it is never to late to turn back the hands of time,to make hail while the sun is still shinning. As it is often said,the youths of today are the leaders of tomorrow but with sure deviance acts,we are no doubt doom to having the worst breed of leaders,in that tomorrow. A wish we pray,God should forbid.

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