22 janvier 2025, 8:04 pm

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Egypt – developpement : PM discusses ways of boosting inbound tourism

In a bid to beef up the tourism sector, Egypt’s prime Minister, Mostafa Madbouli held working meetings with stakeholders from the government and private sectors. He underscored the need for collaboration between the two parties for the goal to be attained.

Egyptian Prime Minister Mostafa Madbouli convened a meeting that brought together several investors from the tourism sector on Sunday, to deliberate on crafting a national vision aimed at enhancing inbound tourism to Egypt and ways to multiply the number of tourists visiting the country.

According to a statement released by the Cabinet, Prime Minister Mabdouli emphasized the importance of coordination and cooperation between the government and the private sector in this endeavor.

Madbouli also underscored Egypt’s promising potential in the tourism sector, citing its numerous tourist destinations. However, he noted that the influx of tourists still falls short of the country’s vast potential.

He expressed his readiness to convene multiple meetings, highlighting the government’s keen interest in exploring visions and proposals to bolster the tourism sector and attain the target numbers deserving of the state.

Madbouli urged the attended investors to present their vision for achieving the ambitious goal of attracting 50 million tourists annually to Egypt.

It is worthy of note that Egypt’s tourism revenues reached a record high of $15bn in 2023, surpassing the previous records of $12.5bn in 2010 and $13bn in 2019, before the January Revolution and the COVID-19 pandemic.

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