5 janvier 2025, 8:06 am

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In a bid to call for an end to the onslaught in the middle East, Egypt has joined other UN Member countries to address a letter to the United Nations. The letter sent on Tuesday seeks to call for an end in the export of weapons to Israel.


Egypt in its capacity as the head of the African Peace and security council has joined in addressing a letter to top UN organizations to urge a stop in the export of weapons to Israel. According to the Egyptian authorities on Tuesday, these weapons could be used against the Palestinian people in the occupied Palestinian territories.

The letter, supported by 52 states, the League of Arab States, and the Organization of Islamic Cooperation is expected to be delivered to the Secretary-General of the United Nations, the President of the Security Council, and the President of the General Assembly.

Egypt was part of the core group that worked to mobilize countries to sign the letter, which comes within the framework of the intensive international efforts to pressure Israel to stop its ongoing violations of international law and international humanitarian law.

The nation has also been calling on the international community to assume its responsibilities to stop Israeli violations against the Palestinian people and to provide them with protection. Numerous efforts including calls for a ceasefire have proven abortive.

The letter calls for immediate steps to stop the export of weapons to Israel as an important step in line with the relevant UN resolutions to put an end to the serious violations committed against the Palestinian people.

However, the letter pressures the Security Council to play its role in achieving international peace and security, and to take tangible measures to protect civilians and ensure accountability.

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