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Ghana – Rwanda : Accra gets first envoy president in Kigali

For the very first time, Ghana will have its High Commissioner with residence in the Rwandan capital, Kigali. This comes after a cabinet meeting chaired by President Paul KAGAME where ambassadors from other countries like Mali and Russia were appointed to the East African country.

Ghana from this day forward will have its first High Commissioner with residence in Kigali, Rwandan capital. This, after a cabinet meeting chaired by President Paul Kagame approved the appointment of Ernest Y. Amporful as the West African country’s envoy.

The cabinet has also approved the appointment of Ambassadors, Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Brigadier General Mamary Camara of Mali and Alexander Polyakov of Russia, both with residence in Kigali. As of now, about 20 African countries will now have embassies in Kigali.

After the Cabinet meeting, multiple appointments were made in various institutions, including the Office of the President, the Ministry of Infrastructure, the Rwanda Housing Authority and the National Commision for Human Rights.

Among the appointments made by the Cabinet was Francis Kaboneka, the former Minister of Local Government, who is now a commissioner of the National Commission for Human Rights.

Besides Kaboneka, Thaddée Tuyizere was also appointed a commissioner in the rights commission. Meanwhile, Dr. Lassina Zerbo was appointed Energy Advisor and Member of the Strategy and Policy Council in the Office of the President. Other key appointments across the East African nation touched sectors like Infrastructure, Energy, and Justice.

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