22 janvier 2025, 1:11 pm

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Liberia : energy expert decries looting of natural resources

As nations strive to preserve their integrity, former president and CEO of Liberia’s National Oil Company, Christopher Neyor decried officials’ contribution to exploiting the nation’s natural resources. He attributed this to links with the foreign businesses during an address to the citizens of Rivercess County.

Liberia’s renowned energy expert, Christopher Zeohn Neyor has reproached elected and appointed public officials for their consistent habit of establishing close relationships with owners of foreign businesses and companies to exploit Liberians of their natural resources.

The former President and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the National Oil Company of Liberia (NOCAL), observed that the majority of the country’s elected and appointed officials are « friends » of businesses that do business in the county, a relationship that is killing the nation’s development sector.

He made these assertions when he served as guest speaker at a program making the induction of officers-elect of the Rivercess Citizens Union, on the topic: The Fundamental Requirement for County and National Development (with the subtopic The Role of Citizens in Good Governance).

He decried that the relationship elected officials established with these businesses along with officials of the national government, contributes to forming an « exploitative syndicate » that leaves the country and its people in continuous poverty. Hence, keeping Liberia and its citizens backward in terms of infrastructure and socio-economic growth and development.

Citing Rivercess County, he said the resources there have been exploited and made others, including foreigner’s millionaires, while the living conditions of Liberians, who are the custodians of those natural resources, remain appalling.

This is a trend in most countries across Africa and a call for Africa to take action and get into what president William Samoei Ruto of Kenya terms win-win partnerships.

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