30 janvier 2025, 9:38 pm

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Major Gen. Abdoulaye Maiga has been appointed as Mali’s new Prime minister. The decree was read on state television Thursday by the Secretary General at the presidency, less than 24 hours after the dismissal of his predecessor, Choguel Maiga.

Mali now has a new prime minister. The head of the Transition and Head of State, General ASSIMI Goita on Thursday appointed his spokesperson, Major General Abdoulaye Maiga as the new prime minister, less than 24 hours after dismissing Premier Choguel Kokalla Maiga and dissolving his government.
“Major General Abdoulaye Maiga is appointed prime minister,” read a decree issued by the Head of state and announced by the presidency’s secretary-general, Alfousseyni DIAWARA on the state television station ORTM.

This came after Choguel’s opened criticisms of the military leadership. It is worthy of note that Abdoulaye Maiga is well known as a public figure in the West African country. In recent years, Abdoulaye Maiga has also made strong public statements as government spokesperson against former coloniser France, including telling French President Emmanual Macron to abandon his « neocolonial » and « condescending » attitude towards his nation.
Abdoulaye Maiga had also served as minister of territorial administration before becoming prime minister.

As new primier , he will have to form a new government in consultation with interim President General Assimi Goïta.

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