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Middle East – ICC arrest warrant : Biden slams request, rejects Gaza

US President Joe Biden has criticized the ICC prosecutor, Karim Khan’s move to request for an arrest warrant against Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin NETANYAHU and defense minister, Gallant. President Biden equally rejected the genocide claims that emanate from an ongoing investigation. In total, five persons are being accused including Hamas leaders.

US president Joe Biden has criticized the prosecutor of the international criminal court, Karim Khan’s decision to seek arrest warrants against the Israeli prime minister, Benjamin NETANYAHU and Israeli Defense minister Yoav Gallant calling the move outrageous in a statement released on Monday. The arrest warrants in question will equally target top Hamas leaders on the basis of war crimes and crimes against humanity.

Though the US has firmly criticized his move, NETANYAHU has rejected the landmark request. Prosecutor Karim Khan highlighted he was seeking warrants against Netanyahu and Israeli Defense minister for crimes including « starvation, willful killing and extermination and or murder. »

He added that the crimes were committed as part of a widespread and systematic attack against the Palestinian civilian population pursuant to State policy.

According to Joe Biden during a speech in the White House Rose Garden, in doubling his support for Israel, what is happening in Gaza is not genocide and they reject the claims. He further criticized Khan for equating the actions of Israel with those of Hamas. It should be noted that there are three Hamas leaders including Gaza head, Yehiya Sinwar were charged alongside Netanyahu and Gallant on Monday.

Biden reaffirmed the US’ support to Israel stating that they will always stand with Israel against threats to its security. All this takes place amid an ongoing investigation by the ICC which Biden says the warrants call into question the legitimacy and credibility of the investigation.

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