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Nigeria – Countering terrorism : naton to locally produce military weapong-minister

Nigeria’s Federal government has announced recently it has been discussing with over 50 private companies within and across Nigeria for the production of weapons. This follows the recent signing of the Defense industries Corporation of Nigeria Bill by president Bola TINUBU.

The Federal Government of Nigeria says the country is poised to kick start the local production of military equipment with the recent signing of the Defense Industries Corporation of Nigeria Bill by President Bola Tinubu.

According to the Minister of Defense, Muhammad Badaru, the Federal Government has been in talks with about 50 local and internal firms for local production of firearms in the country, of which 13 of the firms have already begun production of firearms in Nigeria.

Badaru, who spoke on Thursday at the Ministerial Sectorial Update in Abuja, added that Nigeria had made significant progress in the fight against terrorism in the last one year under the Tinubu administration.

With specifics, the minister added that the military in the last one year killed 9,300 insurgents and arrested 7,000 others.

This feat, he said, was made possible by the close synergy among the Service Chiefs under President Tinubu. A synergy, which increased military productivity and translated into laudable achievements in the last one year as it was different from what was obtained in the past.

Answering questions on why the attacks are still on, the minister explained that “The attacks happen around local governments that have forests. These people come out from the forest with motorcycles, attack the people and run back. But with the help of technology deployed they can see them coming and take care of them before that time. Badaru also said the President had approved the recruitment of more personnel into the military to increase its manpower. He added that the President has directed the full deployment of technology to end insurgency in the country.

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