5 février 2025, 4:08 am

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Russia’s President, Vladimir Putin has issued a deadline on Monday, ordering illegal migrants to either legalize their status or leave the country by April 30. An effort to tighten Moscow’s migration policy.

« On December 30 of this year, as a result of the negotiation process, 150 Russian servicepeople were returned from the territory controlled by the Kiev regime, » the Russian Defense Ministry said in a statement, adding that 150 Ukrainian POWs were transferred in exchange.

According to Russian Human Rights Commissioner Tatiana Moskalkova,Russia and Ukraine earlier this year agreed on mutual sending of parcels with warm clothes and letters for war prisoners of the two countries.

The statement as well revealved that all Russian military are currently on the territory of Belarus, where they are receiving the necessary psychological and medical assistance, as well as the opportunity to contact their relatives adding that they will be transfered to Moscow for treatment and rehabilitation in medical institutions of the Ministry of Defense.

The United Arab Emirates provided humanitarian mediation efforts during the return of Russian soldiers from captivity, according to the statement.z

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