31 janvier 2025, 4:20 am

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Russian/Putin ICC arrest warrant Mongolia defies order, hosts Putin

Russian President Vladimir Putin’s recent visit to Mongolia has drawn significant attention, particularly as the country, a signatory to the International Criminal Court (ICC), ignored an arrest warrant issued against him. The visit marked Putin’s first trip to an ICC-recognising state since the court issued the warrant in March 2023.

Mongolia, a party to the ICC ignored an arrest warrant against Russian President Vladimir putin. While hosting his Russian Counterpart, President khnaa-giin Khu-rol-sukh, slammed the order and called on the west and its allies to get lost.  Putin on Monday embarked on a diplomatic meeting to the Ansian country, in five years.

In response to Putin’s arrival in Ulaanbaatar, former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, now Deputy Chairman of Russia’s Security Council, noted that Mongolia had essentially dismissed the ICC’s authority. Medvedev, writing on Telegram, indicated that the Asian nation told the ICC and the European Union to “go do to themselves something that Russians and Mongols found a word for together, back in the 13th century.”

Furthermore, Medvedev criticized the ICC, referring to it as a “half-baked ‘court’,” while warning of the potential consequences if someone attempted to enforce the arrest warrant. This move by Mongalia has left Ukraine’s zelensky and the ICC in Limbo, as Kiev had earlier called on Mongolia to arrest Putin upon arrival.

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