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Rwanda – Guinea Conaky/Coopération : Kagame, Doumbouya discuss ways to bolster productive ties

Rwandan president Paul KAGAME is currently in Guinea-Conakry for a three day working visit where he has had talks with President Mamadi DOUMBOUYA. The aim of these talks is to explore avenues to bolster bilateral relations between the two countries.

President Paul Kagame of Rwanda is presently in Guinea Conakry, where he has been received by his Guinean counterpart, Mamadi Doumbouya, and for the next couple of days will be holding special talks aimed at strengthening relations and cooperation between the two countries. They will focus on cooperation within institutions including technology, trade and investment. This comes after President Kagame ended his visit to Senegal Guinea Conakry, a visit aimed at strengthening the relationship between Senegal and Rwanda.

The head of state of Rwanda last visited Guinea Conakry in April 2023, where he was on a working visit aimed at strengthening the normal relations between the two countries and the willingness to cooperate in different sectors.

At that time, President Kagame was heading to Guinea Conakry at the invitation of his colleague General Mamadi Doumbouya, after that in October 2022, he had received in his office the Minister of Technology, Ousmane Gaoual Diallo, who had brought him a message.

This visit by President Paul Kagame to Guinea Conakry comes after the visit of President Mamadi Doumbouya and his wife visited Rwanda on January 25, 2024.

During his visit to Rwanda in January, President Mamadi Doumbouya said that his country will continue to build and improve joint relations with the two countries, adding that all citizens will do their best to expand cooperation in terms of communication, infrastructure, and transportation.

General Mamadi Doumbouya has been in power since September 2021, after overthrowing Alpha Condé who ruled Guinea from 2010 to 2021.

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