30 janvier 2025, 5:12 am

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African leaders and key stakeholders have garthered in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania to discuss Africa’s energy deficit and ways of enhancement.The 2025 Africa energy summit opened on Monday and set to end on Tuesday january 28.

The 2025 Africa Energy summit which opened in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania drew near African heads of state and key statekholders to chart the continent’s power growth with focus on unlocking its energy potentials.

The summit which is hosted by the Government of the United Republic of Tanzania, the African Union, the African Development Bank Group, and the World Bank Group is an opportunity for private sector leaders, development partners, and civil society to advance the ambitious goal of providing electricity access to 300 million people by 2030 known as Mission 300, »the world bank disclosed on its website.

The president of the African Development Bank (AfDB), Dr. Akinwumi Adesina for his part, called for an urgent investment in energy infrastructure, stressing its pivotal role in economic growth and job creation as he highlighted energy as the backbone of Africa’s progress.

Under the theme, The financial hurdles to achieving universal electricity access,the summit’s agenda includes adopting the Dar es Salaam Declaration on Africa Heads of State Energy Summit and the Africa Energy Compact signed Tuesday.

The summit however highlighted on its website and i quote « This ambitious initiative will combine increased infrastructure investments and comprehensive policy reforms across the entire electricity supply chain. The commitments and measures announced during the summit will help secure political buy-in at the highest level, » end of quote.


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