5 février 2025, 9:43 am

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Things falling apart within the sdf party?

One time define as a stronghold of opposition political party in the Country, has in recent years being facing multiple challenges from its bigwigs .Which puts to question, who could be hunting for the collapse of the almighty “power to the people” party?

Created on May 26, 1990 was the social Democratic front party (SDF) which received significant amount of support from the English speaking regions of the western part of the country and rapidly occupied the heart of many as the main opposition political party in the Country. It was so because, in the SDF the voiceless saw hope and reason to believe for a better cameroon.

Did you know the actions of the party to have denied signing a tripartite declaration of November 1991 and chose to boycott the March 1992 parliamentary election alongside the Democratic union of Cameroon party (DUC) due to government failure to meet opposition demands which included the establishment of an independent electoral commission to oversee the election, was one of the biggest blow the ruling party had ever received with the introduction of multipartism?

However, the SDF contested the 1992 presidential election and all they could get despite her stronghold in the political spectrum, was the second position after the ruling party. According to the officials, they were denied victory at “gun point”.A result , which didn’t go well with most barons of the party who had to cross the carpet to another parties were they thought,could meet their hope and aspirations.

Nevertheless, the June 16, 2022 appointment made by the National president Ni John Fru Ndi flushing and injecting new members into the executive board of the party has not been gladly received by most of the bigwigs of the party. It explains why, over 27 of them converged on Mbouda west region on June 22 to comprehensively critise the decision of their national leader, calling on those replaced to stay in office till at the end of their mandate.

A move some political observers say,it’s a political blunder on the part of the national chair of the SDF to wake up from his bed and take harsh decisions without even consulting his executive body or her disciplinary commission if at all their mistakes, had warranty of such. According to the disgruntled, the chairman has violated the constitution they all drafted by appointing some persons into strategic positions when they are yet to spend 5 years into the party and are still to fulfill their financial obligations with the party.

The disgruntled party barons have thus call on the party chair to revise his appointment till an external audit on party is carried out, a demand from the bank to suspend any financial transactions destined to the president without any approval from the national treasurer  and demand the holding of an urgent  national executive meeting of NEC to decide on the date of an extraordinary congress will see a new chairman of the party elected. They go further to say if  the party chair has failed to yield positively to their request, they shall be forced to change the dynamics to express their vexation with the party leader. The heat on Ni John Fru Ndi seem the hottest at this point in time unlike what he witnessed in 1992.Many observers have tipped this move to be the  invisible hands of Hon.

Jean Michel Nintcheu, who has been in cold war with party officials over the years in eyeing the presidential seat after Ni John Fru Ndi. The music is just getting started in the SDF,let’s wait for the juicy party of it.

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