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Ukraine : FM’S signal on talks aligns with Russian position

In a significant diplomatic effort, Ukraine’s Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba is currently in China, seeking common ground with his Chinese counterpart, Wang Yi, in talks aimed at finding a resolution to the ongoing Ukraine crisis, a move that aligns with Russian position on ending the war.

Ukrainian foreign minister Dmytro Kuleba and his chinese counterpart Wang Yi on Wednesday july 24 met in Guangzhou, marking the first visit by a Ukrainian foreign minister since the onset of the Russian special military operation in Donbass in 2022. In their opening remarks, Kuleba expressed a desire for extensive negotiations, stating, « We need to move to a just and stable peace. China can play a significant role in this. Let’s go. » His visit underscores Ukraine’s interest in engaging broader international support for peace initiatives. Reacting to this Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said the message voiced by Kuleba aligns with Moscow’s position.

China’s FM Wang Yi emphasized Beijing’s commitment to its relationship with Ukraine, highlighting the increase in trade between the two nations despite the challenges posed by the current geopolitical landscape. He stated, “China attaches great importance to its relations with Ukraine,” reaffirming Beijing’s intent to maintain a balanced approach amidst its strong ties with Russia.

China’s refined stance on the conflict has been characterized by its call for a negotiated settlement that considers the interests of both Russia and Ukraine. This position, however, diverges from the expectations of Western allies who insist on a complete Russian withdrawal as a precursor to any peace discussions. Notably, China did not partake in a recent peace conference held in Switzerland that excluded Russian representation.

Kuleba is expected to remain in China until Friday, aiming to foster more diplomatic dialogue that may lead to a viable solution to the ongoing conflict. Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Mao Ning added that China stands ready to « support the international community in gathering more consensus and jointly finding practical ways to resolve the crisis politically. »

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