1 février 2025, 12:53 am

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France on Wednesday completely handed over its military bases to Chadian National Army.The move reported by local media puts an end to French military presence in the Central African country.

On Wednesday, Chadian General Staff of the Armed Forces disclosed that Paris’ Sergeant Adji Kossei base in N’Djamena, was handed over to the central African country’s National Army, according to local media.

Quoted by the media,The Chadian National Army noted that it is fully prepared to assume the management of the recovered infrastructure.

The Chadian military chief as well asserted that the army would update the public on the status of the French forces’ withdrawal from bases in the capital, N’Djamena, and the eastern city of Abeche,according to reports.

France, in December turned over its first military installation as part of its military force pullout from Chad.

According to national advisor and the president of the Front for the Liberation of Chad party,Takilal Ndolassem Hilaire,the attack on the N’Djamena presidential palace on January 8 was a result of France’s resistance to Chad’s independence.

French forces in the past months began withdrawing from Chad, Burkina Faso, Mali, and Niger.

In the same light, Senegalese and Ivorian presidents recently shared their common views on foreign military bases in their respective countries.

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