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On the sidelines of the African Peace and Security forum, former South African president, Thabo MBEKI highlighted the importance of African stakeholders to address the challenges on the continent. Speaking on 0ctober 6, he called on the African Union commission chair candidates to share their vision for peace in resolving the plethora of challenges.

While addressing the Africa peace and security forum in Magaliesburg, South Africa, the nation’s former president, Thabo MBEKI underlined that achieving peace and security are still a challenge on the continent of Africa.

Speaking on Sunday, he called on candidates contesting for the position of the AU Commission chair to share their vision on how they intend to strengthen the AU especially as countries like Sudan, DRC, Somalia, and the Sahel are battling with insecurity.

As of now the candidates are Mahmoud Ali Youssouf of Djibouti , Raila Odinga of Kenya, Richard Randriamandrato of Madagascar and Anil Gayan og Mauritius.

Amid this call, he criticized the African Union for its silence on the myriad of challenges facing Africa, a point that resonates with a statement from tanzania’s foreign affairs minister, Mahmoud Thabit Kombo highlighting that solution can be found by involving the key stakeholders on the ground.


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