23 janvier 2025, 1:27 pm

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Egypt – Education : minister reviews problèms facing the system

The minister of Egypt’s education sector revealed in Parliament, the country’s education system needs to be reviewed. He cited a couple of aspects in the system like number of students and teachers, right down to the curricular, adding that they needed checks ahead of the new academic year.

Egypt’s new Minister of Education Mohamed Abdel Latif reviewed the challenges facing the education sector while in parliament and came up with some points. According to the minister, the most prominent problems facing the education system in Egypt are the student density in classes, the shortage of teachers.

He highlighted in his speech at the parliament that there is need to review the Ministry’s plan that the number of students in some classes ranges between 120 and 130 students.

The Minister of Education explained that the Ministry will see how to operate the school buildings differently according to the available capabilities.

Moreover, the Minister of Education addressed another issue related to the study curricular, saying that the most prominent problem of governmental high schools is that 32 subjects are studied. In comparison, only 16 subjects are studied in international schools, adding that the Ministry will review these subjects, besides preparing a structure for education in Egypt.

Some controls will be prepared to restore the prestige of teachers, he noted, stressing that the Ministry has prepared a strategic plan to end these problems before the start of the new academic year, which will begin next September.

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