8 janvier 2025, 6:10 am

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Egypt/Innovation : space agency to launch african dev’t satellite

As per the CEO of the Egyptian Space Agency, Africa will launch the African development satellite by the end of the year. The initiative is a collaborative project in partnership with Egypt, Kenya, Uganda and Nigeria.

After a long wait, the African Development Satellite will be launched by the end of this year, according to Dr. Sherif Sedky, CEO of the Egyptian Space Agency. The collaborative project unveiled is between Egypt, Kenya, Uganda, and Nigeria.

In an exclusive statement to « Youm7, » Sedky highlighted another project involving the installation of a remote sensing camera on the International Space Station (ISS), an initiative also in partnership between the four nations. Aside that, he mentioned another significant project called « SPINX, » funded by the Academy of Scientific Research. This satellite, dedicated to studying climate changes, is equally scheduled for launch by the end of 2024.

Sedky elaborated that the African Development Satellite focuses on climate change studies. The participating African countries Nigeria, Uganda, Kenya, and Egypt are jointly designing the satellite’s subsystems, with Egypt responsible for the design, assembly, integration, testing, and launch.

Each country is responsible for a specific subsystem. In preparation for this project, these countries were invited to train at the Egyptian Space Agency on building satellite subsystems. This satellite aims to study climate change across the African continent amid natural hazards.

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