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Egypte-Turkey/Al Sisi’s visite leaders open New Era of diplomatic relations

The rapprochement between Cairo and Ankara has been solidified. In a landmark meeting held in Ankara on September 4, 2024, the first High-Level Strategic Cooperation Council between Türkiye and Egypt concluded, with the issuing of a Joint Declaration aimed at strengthening bilateral ties.

Türkiye and Egypt Forge New Diplomatic Era Through High-Level Strategic Cooperation Council. The September 4th, 2024 declaration highlights a commitment to mutual respect and cooperation, chating a new era of intentional diplomatic relations set for 2025. Coveyed by President Abdel Fattah Al sisi of Egypt and Reccep Tayyip Erdogan of Turkey, both nations expressed their desire to elevate their partnership across various sectors, promoting regional stability and addressing global challenges together.
During the meeting, Egypt and Turkey welcomed the signing of multiple Memoranda of Understanding across diverse fields like finance, energy, health, and urban planning.

They reiterated their aim to increase bilateral trade to $15 billion and pledged to improve the investment environment to encourage new ventures. Also, both sides stressed the importance of fostering economic cooperation to enhance the prosperity of their peoples.

The declaration also outlined collaborative efforts in combating terrorism and transnational crime, reaffirming commitment to diplomatic dialogue and cooperation in military, energy, and environmental sectors. They acknowledged the role of joint economic projects in addressing shared challenges, on social policies, labor, and youth entrepreneurship.

Addressing regional issues, the leaders expressed strong concern over the humanitarian crisis in Gaza and reiterated their support for the establishment of a sovereign Palestinian state. They also committed to joint efforts in finding solutions to conflicts in Syria, Libya, and Sudan, reflecting a shared vision for peace and stability in the region.

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