8 janvier 2025, 7:57 am

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Eto’O, Fecafoot President : What are the chances since he became president ?

Four months after Samuel Eto’o’s election at the post of president of the Cameroon Football Federation, FECAFOOT, there has been, according to sources, a remarkable change in Cameroon’s football.

Be it in the male or female categories, Cameroon football has been taken to another level and football fans have been spotted acknowledging and praising Samuel Eto’o, for bringing the changes due his form of management. According to reports, this all started the very first week that the newly elected president got to his office and closed the gate to late comers. His fans acclaimed the act, and said it was the very start of good governance at the FECAFOOT.

Aside from that, the number of fans who rushed to the stadia in order to watch professional football encounters witness a drastic rise as compared to the time he wasn’t yet president. Equally, for this football season, the national football championship went from a 18 to 25 football clubs and each Football protagonists in the elite one tournament now has a minimum of 100000frs, instead of the former 30, 40, or 50,000frs.

As if it wasn’t enough, the sum of money allocated for the subvention of the elite one clubs has moved from 10 million to 20 million francs and the elite 2 clubs, from 5 million to 10million CFA francs. Nonetheless, Eto’o, launched a move to see that a Cameroonian be head coach of the Cameroon’s national football team, which was done.  On April 12, the FECAFOOT’s president met with, Alain Noël Olivier Mvondo, the director general of the National social security fund, and had talks on the social security of footballers in Cameroon. A move that has brought joy to the footballers.

As it stands, the president of the FECAFOOT, has, according to sources, carried out initiatives which are worth congratulating. These, despite criticisms. And, it should be noted, he doesn’t intends to stop there.

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