23 janvier 2025, 1:27 am

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US envoy to Kenya, Meg Mhitman has resigned from duty in the East African country. She revealed in a statement on Wednesday November 13 that she had tendered her resignation to President Biden. This comes following intensified criticisms from some section of Kenyans on social media.

In a statement to newsroom on Wednesday November 13, US ambassador to Kenya, Meg Mhitman revealved that she had submitted her resignation to Presidnet Biden. Her resignation surfaces after two years of being stationed in the east African country.

She noted  » it has been an honour and privilege to serve the American people through strengthening our partnership with Kenya »
It’s worth stressing that her resignation comes admist sustained pressure from a section of Kenyans on social media for her to recall back to Washington citing her silence on issues such as perceived corruption, extrajudicial killings, and abductions, particularly after the June GenZ movement protests, during which dozens were killed by police and many more were arrested.

Whitman whose resignation comes weeks before the inauguration of Republican Donald Trump as US presidnet in January, highlighted her role during president Ruto’s recent U.S state visit where she facilitated his agenda.

Others criticised her perceived interference with Kenya’s domestic affairs, while others supported her efforts in deepening U.S-Kenya relations.

According to reports Whitman’s approach to diplomacy has largely centres on economic issues, promoting Kenya as an attractive destination for American Business under her « Why Africa, Why Kenya » initiative.

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