6 février 2025, 5:53 pm

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Following last week’s elections, a new tab on the Namibian electoral Commission’s election portal has showed the ruling SWAPO party is in the lead in both parliamentary and presidential elections. The preliminary results on Tuesday showed the country on track to elect Vice President, Netumbo Nandi its first female president. 

According to Nambian electoral Commission’s election portal, the nation’s euling SWAPO party led both the presidential and parliamentary races on Tuesday, a week after voting took place in the Southern African country. This very tensed election means the nation is on track to elect its first female president.

On Tuesday morning, the electoral commission’s election portal new tab showed Netumbo Nandi-Ndaitwah was leading the presidential race with 54.82% of the vote after 65.57% of votes had been counted.

Results were initially expected a few days after the Nov. 27 poll, but voting was extended to Nov. 29 and Nov. 30 at several polling stations after some voters were unable to cast their ballots on election day due to technical difficulties and ballot paper shortages.

SWAPO, which has governed the southern African nation since leading it to independence from apartheid South Africa in 1990, fielded Vice President Netumbo Nandi-Ndaitwah as its presidential candidate.

To win the presidency, a candidate must secure over 50% of votes, failing which a run-off is required.
Namibians vote separately for members of the National Assembly, and SWAPO led the ballot with 56.38% of the 66.39% of the votes tallied.

Opposition candidate Panduleni Itula and his Independent Patriots for Change so far trailed a distant second, with 28.09% of the presidential vote and 19.23% of the vote for the National Assembly.
All in all the timeline for the final result announcement still remains unclear.


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