5 janvier 2025, 12:48 pm

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Eleven officials in the Nyamasheke District have resigned on Tuesday November 26 citing « personal reasons »
It’s worth noting that it is not the first time officials in the district are stepping down, according to the Mayor.


On Tuesday November 26, eleven officials in Nyamasheke District resigned from her duties citing « personal reason »

Narcisse Mupenzi, Mayor of the Nyamasheke said the district received their resignation letters adding that they were not dismissed and « there is nothing out of the ordinary » with respect to what has happened.

He noted that they include employees from the one stop centre unit, agriculture AND natural resources and good governance.

Nyamasheke District is located in the Western Province of Rwanda. It borders Karongi District in the
North, Rusizi District in the South, Nyamagabe District of the Southern Province in the East and the Democratic republic of Congo in the West.

In Karongi District, 12 members of staff from the one stop centre » were fired over poor service delivery, while the mayor of Karongi District, Valentine Mukase, stepped-down along with the vice mayor in charge of Economic Developement.

Saturday November 23, witnessed the resignation of three officials in Rusizi District.

It’s worth noting that Apolonie Mukamasabo, the Mayor of Nyamasheke District, has been dismissed due to instances of misconduct and ineffective performance.

This decision was made on August 28, 2023, as indicated in an official statement endorsed by Hategekimana Jules, president of the district’s advisory council.

Nyamasheke is among the most populated districts with more than 380 thousand residents with populations representing 15.4% of the total resident population of Western Province.

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