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Rwanda-France/Vaccine forum: Africa should be at forefront of vaccine production-Kagame

Rwanda-France/Vaccine forum: Africa should be at forefront of vaccine production-Kagame

During a global vaccine forum in Paris, France, Rwanda’s President, Paul KAGAME asserted that Africa needs to be at the helm of vaccine production. He added that it will boost innovation on the continent.

President Paul Kagame on Thursday, June 20, during a tête-à-tête meeting with President Emmanuel Macron at the Élysée Palace in Paris, president Kagame on the sidelines of Global Forum for Vaccine Sovereignty and Innovation, co-hosted by Gavi, a vaccine Alliance in partnership with France and the African Union.

During the forum, President KAGAME underlined that Africa should be at the forefront of vaccine manufacturing using the latest technologies in order to deal with its disease burden and respond to its healthcare demand.

He however added that the lessons learnt during the Covid-19 pandemic led to important collaborations between Africa and its partners in an effort to gain capabilities to manufacture vaccines and therapeutics as well as boost the continent’s pandemic preparedness, including research and development.

The president affirmed the primary goal of these collaborations is not primarily to produce the vaccines that are currently in use in Africa but about innovation.

President KAGAME equally met with President Bassirou Diomaye Faye of Senegal, where both leaders agreed to continue sharing experiences in various fields including impactful and accountable public governance as well as intra-African collaboration, according to a post by the President’s Office on X.

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