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Monusco won’t leave by Décembre 2024-Un official

After its extension last year till December 20, 2024, UN official, Jean-Pierre Lacroix says MONUSCO would not leave the Democratic Republic of Congo by the end of December. According to media reports on Monday, the mission is still in a consultation phase with the Congolese authorities.

According to Jean-Pierre Lacroix, undersecretary -general for peacekeeping operations, MONUSCO will not be exiting the Democratic Republic of Congo by the end of December 2024 as opposed to rumors.

Media reports quoted him on Monday saying the mission’s withdrawal « had never been confirmed by the authorities or the UN Security Council » , adding that they are currently in a consultation phase and the humanitarian situation remains worrying.

Though the UN official added that MONUSCO was asked to stay especially in the ITURI province, the troops had started withdrawing from regions like South Kivu, where they had handed over control to the Congolese army, underlining that the authorities had ordered for a reconsideration due to the escalating violence.

While numerous pundits cited a withdraw could create a security vacuum, the nation’s authorities share a different view. Lacroix however reiterated that a lot of work needed to be done.

MONUSCO was deployed in the eastern part of the DRC in 2010 with the goal to help the government stabilize the region but could do a little to stop the bloodshed and in December last year the UNSC resolved to prolong the mission’s mandate until December 2024 with a gradual, responsible ahd and sustainable withdrawal from the country.

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