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Egypt – Government rejects palestinian dsplacement – Sameh

As pressure intensifies, Egypt and German foreign ministers had a telephone conversation where Egypt reiterated its firm rejection of displacing Palestinians from their lands. However, both leaders underscored the importance of rallying international efforts to end the crisis in the Middle East.

Egypt’s Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry has reaffirmed Egypt’s total rejection of displacing Palestinians from their lands and liquidating the Palestinian cause. He made the remarks during a phone call held with his Dutch counterpart Hanke Bruins Slot

During the telephone conversation, the Minister of foreign affairs underlined the importance of rallying international efforts to put an end to the war plaguing the Middle East and launching a political process, which mainly aims towards the establishment of an independent Palestinian state, said Foreign Ministry Spokesman Ahmed Abu Zeid.

The two ministers also exchanged the latest Israeli plans to launch a military operation in the Palestinian city of Rafah, added the spokesman.

They further tackled the humanitarian situation in the enclave, especially in light of the continuation of the Israeli aggression in the enclave and its policies to prevent the entry of aid. The Dutch minister on her part appreciated efforts exerted by Egypt to resolve the crisis in the war-ravaged Gaza Strip.

She further affirmed her country’s support of the two-state solution, which allows the establishment of a Palestinian state alongside the Israeli state. It should be noted that this comes after attacks on Rafah by Israel.

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