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Madagascar : nation awaits results of parliamentary election

The Malagasy population on Wednesday voted on Wednesday for representatives into the National assembly. President Andry Rajoelina used the opportunity to call on the    entire nation to actively get involved in decision making.

Madagascar held its parliamentary election on Wednesday, with citizens voting to elect 163 deputies to the National Assembly. Polling stations were opened across the country permitting about 11.6 million registered voters to cast their ballots.

The president of the Independent National Electoral Commission (CENI), Arsene Dama, visited several polling stations alongside international observer missions and reported that everything was proceeding as planned.

Regarding reported electoral offenses, such as suspicions of pre-ticked ballot papers, he assured that investigations would be conducted to confirm the existence or absence of such anomalies.

A total of 23 international and 82 national observation entities were accredited by CENI for the election and those present praised efforts to ensure inclusive participation, especially for young people and those with disabilities.

Malagasy civil society observation body reiterated that the opening of polling stations was calm, with procedures generally respected and all necessary materials available, despite some minor delays.

It is worthy of note that President Andry Rajoelina while carrying out his civic duty urged all Malagasy citizens to play their part as it was important to vote for deputies in every district.

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