22 janvier 2025, 12:58 pm

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Mali’s prime minister, Choguel Maiga has been dismissed from his duties alongside his government. The decision was announced via a decree read on state television on Wednesday by the Secretary General at the Presidency, Alfousseyni DIAWARA.


Choguel Kokalla Maiga is no longer Mali’s prime minister. He was relieved of his duties on Wednesday via a decree read on state television ORTM, for openly criticizing the ruling government’s delay to organise elections within a promised 24-month transition back to democracy.

The decree was read by Alfousseyni DIAWARA, Secretary General at the Presidency

« Decree N⁰ 20240656PTRM of 20 November 2024
terminating the duties of the Prime Minister and members of the government. » He stated.

« The head of the Transition, Head of State, in line with the constitution, in line with the transition charter, in line with law Nº 001 of February 25 2022 bearing the amendment of the transition charter, decrees: article 1, dismissing the prime minister of his duties and his government. Article 2, the following decree is shortened Nº 20210361PTRM of June 7, 2021 carrying the dismissal of the Prime Minister »

On Saturday, Maiga said there had been no debate on the elections’ postponement within the government and that he found out about the government’s decision from the media.

Maiga had fervently defended the ruling military government and most if he’ll come back.
Under the law, Maiga’s successor would have to form a new government in consultation with interim President General Assimi Goïta.
Before being named prime minister in 2021, Maiga served as Mali’s commerce minister under former President Amadou Toumani Toure and as digital economy minister under former President Ibrahim Boubacar Keita.

Gen. Assimi Goita says he is committed to defending the interest of the Malian people.

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