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Nigeria – Asuu protest : Tinubu orders review of varsity governing

In what experts have termed a resumption of hostilities, Nigeria’s president, Bola Ahmed TINUBU has ordered a mandatory review of newly announced governing boards for the country’s tertiary institutions. The announcement was passed in a State House statement through the president’s special adviser on information and strategy, Bayo Onanuga on Thursday.

Nigeria’s President Bola Tinubu, has mandated a comprehensive review of the recently announced governing boards for Nigeria’s tertiary institutions. This directive announced on Thursday precedes the planned inauguration and retreat for the nominees.

The President’s Special Adviser on Information and Strategy, Bayo Onanuga, announced in a State House statement where he highlighted that the nominations failed to reflect the federal character of the country, with discrepancies such as some states receiving only one nomination while others had multiple appointees.

Previously, President Tinubu had sanctioned the appointment of 555 individuals to serve as Pro-Chancellors/Chairmen and members of the Governing Boards for 111 federal universities, polytechnics, and colleges of education, based on a list compiled by the Ministry of Education.

The directive for a review followed significant public backlash, including protests from the Academic Staff Union of Universities and the Academic Staff Union of Polytechnics.

The President « in directing a complete review of the list of the members of the governing councils, acknowledges the feedback across the country », he added

« President Tinubu is committed to ensuring strict compliance with the principle of federal character as entrenched in the constitution. The review will also take into consideration national spread and ensure every part of the country is adequately represented, » Onanuga noted. The inauguration and retreat for the nominees are scheduled for May 31, 2024.

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