30 janvier 2025, 5:31 pm

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Somalia : Mogadishu deposits EAC integration roadmap

The government of Somalia has submitted its roadmap for integrating into the East African Community (EAC). This will pave the way for enhanced economic opportunities and collaboration within the region.

During a crucial meeting held in Nairobi Kenya, the Secretary-General of the EAC, Veronica Nduva, outlined that the importance of aligning Somalia’s national processes with regional frameworks to ensure seamless integration. The roadmap presidented by Somalia, which outlines key activities focusing on legal alignment and active participation in EAC programs, signals Mogadishu’s commitment to becoming a full member of the EAC.

Led by the presidential envoy for EAC, Abdusalam Omer, the Somali delegation expressed confidence in their dedication towards achieving comprehensive integration into the community. With Somalia’s recent full membership status following the deposit of necessary instruments earlier this year, the country stands poised to contribute towards the EAC’s areas of cooperation, including trade, investment, and free movement of people.

The deposited roadmap has provided a greater scope for Somalia’s engagement with the EAC, fostering a brighter and more prosperous future for all member states and their citizens. With the EAC being one of the most vibrant and progressive regional bloc in Africa, this new dispensation from Somalia sets the stage for enhanced economic cooperation and regional integration, strengthening ties within the Horn of Africa and the wider East African region.

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